Six Bath businesses are showing their support for local carers by sponsoring the B&NES Carers’ Centre annual awards night, Celebrating Carers, in October.
Sirona Care & Health, the headline sponsor, have made a generous donation to enable the centre to recognise the ‘unsung heroes’ in the local community.
Curo, Bath College, Gerrard Financial Consulting, Way Ahead Care and Gradwell Communications, have also all agreed to sponsor an award for the evening.
The Carers’ Centre supports over 4,000 people who are looking after someone in Bath and North East Somerset.
Caring for someone because they have a long term illness, a disability or are frail is rewarding, but can also be very isolating, stressful and tiring.
The awards aim to recognise carers who have made contributions to their local community whilst managing a caring role, as well as community partners such as schools, businesses and volunteers who have gone the extra mile to help carers or the Carers’ Centre.
Last year the awards were hosted by BBC presenter Ali Vowles who said carers were a ‘hidden army’.
Janet Rowse, Chief Executive at Sirona, said the night was an opportunity to applaud carers for their selflessness.
“Carers are the unsung heroes in health and social care…they are crucial and this event puts them centre stage where they deserve,” said Janet.
“This is a special occasion for a special group of people and Sirona is proud to be supporting it.”