Restrictions on the sale and use of fireworks could be on the cards if a proposal by Labour councillors is adopted by Bath and North East Somerset Council.
The campaign follows widespread concern about the impact of unlicensed firework displays on public safety, animal welfare and the environment and the publication of a report by the House of Commons Petitions Committee last week, which said that “inconsiderate and irresponsible use of fireworks should be considered as socially unacceptable as drink driving”.
Labour Group Spokesperson, Cllr Grant Johnson (Paulton) said “We recognise that fireworks are used to mark significant events such as Bonfire Night, New Year, Chinese New Year and Diwali and that they can bring enjoyment.
“However fireworks can cause significant injury and alarm to people and animals.
“Fireworks also release harmful chemicals into the environment, contaminating rivers and lakes and affecting air quality.
“Restrictions on the sale and use of fireworks has significant backing from members of the public.
“The RSPCA’s campaign on fireworks has received huge levels of support and last year a petition to ban the public sale of fireworks attracted more than 300,000 signatures.
“In response to public concern, the House of Commons Petitions Committee has said that inconsiderate and irresponsible use of fireworks should be considered as socially unacceptable as drink driving.
“We are therefore asking B&NES to support the introduction of licensing for all public and private displays with a ban on the sale of fireworks except where they are to be used for a licensed display.
“We want any licensing scheme to provide a way for local residents to object to the granting of a licence and a means for ensuring that regard is paid to public and animal safety and the impact on the environment of a proposed display.
“We want B&NES Council to put pressure on the Government to give us the powers we need to address this issue.”