Residents in and around Bath are being asked to explore both how far faith can help or hinder a more sustainable world, and of what importance sustainability holds to having faith, at an open conference in the city centre today.
The final in a series of NUS-funded Bath Spa Religions & Beliefs Forum events will cover a broad set of themes that are arguably more urgent now than ever before.
The conference will be facilitated by Dr Muzammal Hussain, who will lead a fully- participatory workshop in the interaction of ecology and faith in the community, and will also include a short talk on the world ecological crisis by Dr Paul Reid-Bowen.
Dr Muzammal Hussain, of the ecological group Wisdom In Nature (see will lead an Ecology & Faith participative forum, to engage all in interacting with the diverse amount of themes that ‘ecology’ incorporates. The workshop will aim to negate how far faith groups, communities, and Faith in general, can help or hinder a more sustainable world.
Dr Paul Reid-Bowen, senior lecturer in the Study of Religions and Philosophy and Ethics at Bath Spa University, will lead a talk on the world ecological crisis, setting out the basic problems in the world and the immensity of the task that the world community has for responding to the situation.
All are invited to this conference, irrespective of faith/non-faith background. An open invite has also been offered to all major faith communities in and around Bath to attend.
The event will happen from 6.45-9.30pm today, Thursday 27th June 2013, downstairs at the Friends’ Meeting House, York Street, Bath.
It is a free event, but a donation bucket will go around the room to cover costs for hiring the room.