Commitment to helping customers is embedded in Bath-based Wessex Water’s working culture, according to an independent report.
The water and sewerage company has again been awarded the coveted Customer Service Excellence (CSE) accreditation from leading inspectorate SGS, an accolade it first picked up in 2008.
The SGS assessment report highlights several areas of good practice at Wessex Water, in particular the handling of calls at busy times and offering tailored support to customers with different needs.
Feedback includes: “Wessex Water is a flagship company whose customer service runs through it like DNA.
“The commitment was displayed from senior management levels through to operations and frontline staff.”
Wessex Water provides water and sewerage services to 2.8 million customers, and the report adds that “the evidence of your commitment to the communities you serve is overwhelming”.
Other strong areas highlighted by the report include a moneyback guarantee for customers who choose to have a meter, improved digital functionality and website accessibility and a commitment to offering apprenticeships.
Sue Lindsay, Wessex Water’s director of customer policy and engagement, said: “We’re really pleased that the assessment recognised the Customer Service Excellence standard in action across so many areas of our business.
“While the ethos is very much ‘business as usual’ and has long been part of our culture, we don’t take it for granted and are always striving to improve.”