Bath-based water and sewerage company Wessex Water continues to provide outstanding customer service across the area, according to an independent report.
Wessex Water has been awarded the coveted Customer Service Excellence (CSE) accreditation from leading inspectorate SGS, an accolade it first picked up in 2008.
The SGS assessment report highlights several areas of good practice at Wessex Water, including extended opening hours for the customer services unit and digital innovation.
There is also praise for the use of roadside stencils to make the public aware of reported leaks, meaning customers don’t have to make needless calls, and the Queen’s Award for Sustainability which the company received in 2018.
The report reads: “The commitment to customers is evident at all levels of the organisation and is the embedded culture in all teams.
“The ethos of being customer driven is from the top and the teams have a collaborative approach to ensure services are delivered in the best way for customers.
“It was refreshing that, when an ICT (computer) outage happened during the assessment, the chief executive’s immediate concern was the inconvenience to customers and not a comment about loss of revenue or decreased profitability.”
CSE accreditation is one of Wessex Water’s performance commitments in its business plan.
Sue Lindsay, the company’s director of customer policy and regulation, said: “It’s a great honour to once again be recognised by SGS, and testament to the hard work of our staff.
“We build our service on the basis that every customer matters and we’re proud to employ people who are caring, sensitive and go the extra mile.”
Wessex Water was awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for a third time last year. Nominated in the Sustainable Development category, the awards are the UK’s highest accolade for business success.