Members of the public are being given the chance to have their say on plans for a new Lidl store beside Bath RFC’s Lambridge training ground on the London Road.

An artist’s impression of the proposed store, viewed from London Road | Photo © Lidl
The multi-million-pound development would create around 40 new jobs in the community.
The plans include a modern supermarket of a bespoke design, with a sales area of 1,228 m2, offering a range of Lidl’s products.
The store would offer facilities including an in-store bakery, along with parking for bicycles, cargo bikes and cars.
If plans are approved by Bath & North East Somerset Council, pedestrian access across the London Road and Gloucester Road junction would be enhanced, including two new signalled pedestrian crossings.
The development has been designed to incorporate Bath stone and natural timber cladding.

An artist’s impression of the proposed store, viewed from the car park | Photo © Lidl
The store design has been developed following initial engagement with Bath & North East Somerset Council and key heritage stakeholders, including Bath Preservation Trust, Historic England and the National Trust, and benefits from the input of the Design West Review Panel of local architects.
Developers say the proposed store would preserve and enhance existing habitats around the site, and improve biodiversity with a net gain of more than 30%.
Other enhancements are also proposed, such as:
- Extensive new tree and hedge planting, strengthening and enriching the tree line surrounding the site
- Natural above-ground drainage systems (SUDS) to improve landscaping and habitat
- A green roof incorporating solar panels, which will provide renewable energy for the store while the roofs plantation will help to naturally insulate the building and aid biodiversity
- Energy-efficient air source heat pumps as an alternative to standard heating units
- Sensitively designed LED lighting throughout the store
- Rapid electric vehicle charging spaces for customers
A community consultation event is being held on Wednesday 17th May (4pm-7pm) in the club buildings at Lambridge Training Ground on the London Road, and residents are invited to attend to speak directly with Lidl and their development team.
Alternatively, the store proposals can be viewed at the consultation website and anyone who would like to discuss the proposals can call 0800 089 0361 or email [email protected].
Information leaflets with a free-post feedback form are also being posted to over 14,500 properties in the surrounding area.
Lidl GB’s Regional Head of Property, Glen Stidever, said: “A huge amount of work has gone into developing these proposals for a new discount supermarket in Bath to ensure it best meets the expectations of the local community.
“To get to this stage, we have already undertaken extensive pre-application consultation with Bath & North East Somerset Council and local stakeholders, such as Bath Preservation Trust and the Design West Review Panel.
“Feedback gathered from this important engagement has helped to inform every aspect of the design.
“We are really excited to be able to now share these with the local community. The new Lidl store would be of exceptional quality design, befitting of the World Heritage Site designation, and will provide residents especially on the eastern side of Bath, with easier access to our quality produce.
“We hope that as many people as possible participate in our public consultation and look forward to receiving feedback from local residents ahead of submitting planning.”