There are plans to turn redundant offices in the centre of Bath into 14 self-contained, short-stay apartments.
The change of use application submitted to Bath & North East Somerset Council seeks planning permission and listed building consent for 7 – 9 North Parade Buildings.
Prospective long leasehold owner Union Four Ltd is behind the change of use proposals for the Grade II listed Georgian properties.
Following the pandemic, existing long leasehold owner Portico Design Ltd no longer had a requirement to accommodate its administrative and design staff at the premises.
The building has been used in the interim period for serviced offices but demand for the space has significantly fallen.
An application permitted by the council last year proposed to bring back two of the buildings as townhouses, broadly laid out in their original Georgian form, but this has proved to be unviable.
This latest application seeks to bring the building back into beneficial use whilst also contributing to the local business and tourism economy.
The three basement apartments will not be affected.
The planning reference is 24/03618/FUL. The deadline for comments is 7th November.