The Royal Crescent’s magnolia tree may be cut down after it was found to be damaging the building behind it.
Located outside No. 16, the tree grows right in the heart of the Bath landmark. But now the hotel it stands in front of says the tree is damaging the building’s structure and they have applied for planning permission to remove it.
Writing to Bath and North East Somerset Council on behalf of the Royal Crescent Hotel, architect Rhys Brookes said: “The tree is now so large that it is impossible to gain access to maintain the windows and masonry and, whilst regularly heavily pruned, it continues to grow and cause damage to the Grade I listed structure.
“Unfortunately, this damage is accelerating.”
Some of the masonry on the building’s facade has cracked as bricks have dropped by up to two and a half centimetres, which is believed to be due to the tree’s root system disrupting the ground under the wall.
The roots have also upset paving stones which poses a trip hazard.
The hotel believes the tree must be removed to protect the building.
Mr Brookes added: “This is not a decision taken lightly as the tree forms a dominant feature on the elevation but has become necessary and ultimately is a decision that will have to be made sooner rather than later.”
The magnolia is the only major flora at the front of the crescent. It grows from the basement courtyard at the front of the hotel and its foliage is pruned to surround the ground-floor windows.
Various sources claim the tree is anything from 150 to 200 years old and it can be seen in films and television filmed in Bath from 1966’s The Wrong Box to 2020’s Bridgerton.
The planning application will be open for consultation until 8th December and the council will aim to reach a decision by Boxing Day.
John Wimperis, Local Democracy Reporter