Homeowners and landlords across Bath and North East Somerset are being offered low-cost loans to improve the energy efficiency of local properties or to install renewable energy measures.
The loan is being offered by Wessex Resolutions, a not for profit community lending organisation set up by Bath & North East Somerset Council together with seventeen other councils from across the South West.
The Wessex Energy Loans are offered at 4.2% fixed for the term of the loan and with flexible repayment arrangements.
Anyone who owns a property in Bath and North East Somerset is eligible for the loan, subject to their ability to make the repayments, which is assessed by Wessex Loan advisors.
Councillor Tim Ball, cabinet member for Housing, Planning and Economic Development, said: “By using renewable energy and improving the energy efficiency of our homes we can all help to tackle the climate emergency.
“For many though the up-front cost of installing such measures is prohibitive, which is why these low cost loans are being offered spreading the cost over time to make payments more manageable.”
The loans can be used to pay for insulation, solar panel installation and other renewable energy measures.
The loans range from £500 – £15,000 and have repayment terms of between six months to 15 years.
Once loans have been approved, homeowners can select their own contractors to carry out the work who can be paid directly once completion of the word is confirmed.
For more information visit Bath & North East Somerset Council’s energy at home advice service: www.energyathome.org.uk.