The redevelopment of a former Ministry of Defence site in Combe Down with 681 homes and a new primary school is set to be completed in 2026.

How Mulberry Park looks | Photo © Rebecca Faith Photography
Curo now has planning permission for the fourth and final phase of Mulberry Park, which details how the last 158 properties will be designed and distributed.
The former buildings at Foxhill MoD were demolished in 2014 and outline planning permission for the site between Combe Down and Foxhill was granted in 2015.
So far 178 houses have been built, and all but 10 are occupied.
Thirty per cent of the properties will be affordable.
Following a judicial review, Curo is no longer planning to demolish homes in neighbouring Foxhill and will instead work with residents to refurbish the properties.
A spokesperson said: “Alongside much-needed new homes, Curo have already built a state-of-the-art community hub, including a family-friendly café and an all-weather sports pitch, a new 210-place primary school and a 70-place nursery.
“Subject to planning permission, Curo will also deliver a brand new park and woodland walk at Mulberry Park by 2022.
“The park will include spaces for events, a play area, sensory and edible planting and connections to other places, like Springfield Park and the popular National Trust Skyline Walk.
“Building homes at Mulberry Park has also led to new job opportunities for local people.
“So far, Curo have created seven apprenticeships, 41 new jobs with training recruited locally and 45 work/educational placements at Mulberry Park.”
The latest proposals were met with some opposition.
Objecting to the proposals, Councillor Bharat Panhkania said: “There is an obvious negative impact upon the residents of Priory Close, a towering new build which will look directly down into both their gardens and bedrooms.”
The Widcombe Association said the fourth phase of the Mulberry Park development had “the potential to impact visually on the important wooded skyline to the south of Bath”, which could have a serious effect on the city’s World Heritage status.
It said a number of trees in the area are reaching the end of their lifecycle and will need to be felled, and called for better screening.
Assessing the application, planning officers said the building heights were “well within the maximum parameters” set out in the outline plans, so the impact on the World Heritage Site is acceptable, and will diminish over time as the trees being planted mature.
They dismissed concerns about homes in Priory Lane being overlooked or losing light.
The Curo spokesperson said the homes in phase four would be limited to two and a half storeys, well within the heights allowed in the outline plans, and tree planting is already underway to screen the site.
A separate application is due to be submitted this month to detail the landscaping proposals for the public open space and the woodland walk.
Stephen Sumner, Local Democracy Reporter