The BANES Carers’ Centre will receive over £1000 as a result of their sponsored skydive fundraising campaign this month, after local people took to the skies for the charity.
Five fearless females took part on 4th July to raise funds and awareness for the Carers’ Centre, the leading provider of support and advice to BANES’ 20,000 unpaid carers.
The women were a mixture of staff from the Carers’ Centre and from Wiltshire Farm Foods, who were inspired to take on the daunting challenge after learning about carers and the hidden struggle they face on a daily basis.
Emma Tucker, of the Carers’ Centre, said: “Since I started working at the Carers’ Centre I have realised how much carers sacrifice to look after a loved one.
“I’m not an adrenaline junkie but it was worth it to raise funds and awareness for carers in our community.”
The money will go towards the Carers’ Centre capital appeal to purchase the Bath centre on Lower Bristol Road.
“Having a permanent place for carers in Bath reinforces the fact that we are here for carers and our community recognises and supports them.
“At Woodlands [the Bath building] they have a safe place where they can connect with people who understand,” said Senior Development Manager Janine Woodward-Grant.
The Carers’ Centre supports over 4,000 carers from Bath and North East Somerset, of an estimated 20,000 in the B&NES community.
Caring for someone can be incredibly stressful and isolating and carers may find themselves unprepared for the impact their situation has on their ability to work, their finances and emotional, physical and mental health.
They often try to cope on their own for months or years before accessing support.
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