People power is helping Bath & North East Somerset Council to win the war on gulls, with the support of residents, businesses and visitors working to tackle the problem.
A concerted effort by the Council to tackle the gull problem has resulted in a dramatic slowdown in the growth of the gull population.
The latest gull count indicates that the number of gulls has stabilised and has only shown a 1% annual increase since 2012.
This is a considerable achievement as there was an annual growth of up to 8% in previous years.
Councillor Tim Warren (Conservative, Mendip), Leader of the Council, said: “Our officers have done a great job in reducing the growth of the gull population, with the support of our communities, to the point where it is almost at a standstill.
“We’re stepping up our actions to tackle the gull menace and reverse the rate of new gulls as one of our top priorities – so that our residents, businesses and visitors can all enjoy a better quality of life in a thriving Bath and North East Somerset.
“We will continue to maximise the impact of our successful schemes across the district.
“But everyone has their part to play, so we encourage the public to carry on supporting our hard work by making sure they dispose of their litter responsibly.”
The Council’s commitment to tackling the gull menace includes the following actions:
- Their Waste and Recycling team who are continuing to work with residents who have received one of the thousands of re-usable rubbish bags issued by the Council to ensure that these bags prevent gulls scavenging from waste being presented for collection on local streets.
- 85 Big Belly Bins are now installed throughout Bath and North East Somerset. These assist the public in responsibly disposing of litter and make it virtually impossible for gulls to scavenge waste.
- Leaflets and articles have been published to make residents and businesses aware of the steps they can take to prevent gulls scavenging waste. The Council have messages in 3 languages (English, French and Mandarin) on their bins asking people not to drop litter which could feed the gulls.
- Egg replacement treatments continue to be carried out on 9 of their own buildings and 2 commercial premises.
- The continuation to provide advice to residents’ groups interested in egg replacement.
- The Council are discussing with other public sector organisations and landlords to raise awareness of the issue and how to tackle it.
- The Council is also working closely with local authorities throughout the Severn Estuary to share best practice on control methods.
If you spot gulls attacking waste and making a mess, please report it to Council Connect via Twitter @ccbathnes, online at or by calling 01225 394041.
For more information and advice on gulls, visit their dedicated webpage: