In celebration of National Youth Work Week 2012 next week, the Council’s Youth Hubs are staging a range of events on the theme of ‘connecting cultures’.
Radstock Youth Hub is holding a free spray art activity session on Saturday 10th November (11am-3pm). Young people aged 13-19 will be able to take part in creating art works celebrating different parts of the local area. Young people from Radstock Youth Hub have also been preparing ‘something strange’ – an interactive arts project to intrigue and amuse the community – which members of the public are welcome to come and see on the Saturday.
Members of Peasedown Youth Hub will present a bhangra meets streetdance performance at the Youth Work Celebration Evening in the Bath Guildhall on Wednesday 7th November. The Youth Hub is welcoming a local teacher on 6 November who supports a charity working with children and young people in Romania.
On Friday 9th November young people from Peasedown Youth Hub will take part in an Indian cookery session with Bini Ludlow, who has been cooking authentic Indian cuisine, having learnt her skills and knowledge about spices from her mother and her extended family – many of whom still live in the Gujarat region of Western India. The young people will be hands on in the kitchen learning about the herbs and spices and creating an authentic curry and learning how to cook perfect rice.
On Saturday 10th November the Youth Hub holds a Foragers Fayre – where members of the community can taste jams, chutneys and pickles made by the young people using local recipes.
Councillor Dine Romero (Lib-Dem, Southdown), Cabinet Member for Early Years, Children and Youth, said: “Bath & North East Somerset Council is committed to ensuring there are activities and opportunities which help young people to make a positive difference to their lives and communities. It’s terrific to see so many of our young people wanting to get involved in these positive events and celebrate National Youth Work Week.”
Southside Youth Hub launches its “Food from Around the World Project” during National Youth Work Week – with young people exploring the culture and cuisine of different cultures – beginning with making Benachin, an authentic Gambian meal.
The Youth Hub is running workshops throughout the week asking ‘Who is your Community?’ It will explore families, different cultures and what their community looks like to create art collages. Following interest in the subject from young people at the Hub, there will also be a display about Ann Frank and the holocaust to engage and support conversations about racism and discrimination.