A review of Home to School Transport in the area is being undertaken by Bath & North East Somerset Council’s Early Years, Children and Youth Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel.
The Panel’s will assess the impact of our current Home to School Transport (HTST) policies in relation to parental choices and cost to ensure that transport services for young people are maintained whilst ensuring the most efficient deployment of public funds. The review will not looking into reducing the cost of public transport or transport to and from private schools.
The questionnaire is aimed at all parents/carers, students, head teachers and school governors involved with schools in Bath & North East Somerset and is available on the Council’s website: http://consultations.bathnes.gov.uk/consult.ti/HTST2012/consultationHome
The Council also wants to hear from home to school transport providers within Bath & North East Somerset. The questionnaire is open from 10th September until 17th October. The Panel will also be a hosting a public meeting on the subject of home to school transport on 22nd October starting at 16:30 in the Guildhall, Bath and would also like to have focus groups with service users.
Councillor Sally Davis (Con. Farnborough), Chair of the Panel, said, “The Council is seeking people’s views on our current home to school transport system and their ideas about how we should deliver these services in the future. We would encourage everyone with an interest in home to school transport to complete the questionnaire and participate in the review’s consultation activities.”
Paper copies can be obtained by via e-mail: [email protected] or telephone: 01225 396410.