Improved signposting directing people towards Temple Street businesses in Keynsham has been installed.
A small podium is now in place outside the Iceland store reminding people that Temple Street shops are open as usual and improved signage is also in place on some of the hoardings surrounding the regeneration site.
Councillor Paul Crossley (Lib-Dem, Southdown), Leader of Council, said, “Although there is a £34 million regeneration project taking place in the centre of Keynsham, the Council wants the message to be clear. Keynsham is open for business and we want both local residents and people from outside the town to shop here.
“We have already taken steps to support traders through the construction period, such as additional free thirty minute car parking spaces in Ashton Way car park and no on-site canteen for construction workers for the duration of the project.
“The Cabinet will also introduce some extra free parking into the town and details will be announced very shortly. Residents must also play their part in supporting local traders by choosing to shop local rather than venturing outside the town.”
The scheme includes new space for shops and restaurants, new library and One Stop Shop for local public sector services, new streets and spaces for markets and events, and low carbon sustainable Council offices. A vastly improved town centre will encourage private sector investment into Keynsham resulting in new jobs, new homes and opportunities for local people.
Lynn Young, Chair of Keynsham Chamber of Commerce, said, “Any project of this size is going to see disruption for businesses in the immediate vicinity and with the temporary closure of the Civic Centre car park until September, the traders on Temple Street are not helped.
“That is why I welcome the small podium and signage on the hoardings directing people and reminding them that the shops are open for business. We are also keen to see the additional free car parking that Councillor Crossley has been discussing with us, and would like this at The Labbott.”
For the latest information about the Keynsham regeneration project, you can visit