The Rossiter Road scheme, to take through traffic out of Widcombe Parade, has been given the go-ahead by the B&NES Liberal Democrat Cabinet.
The Cabinet voted to approve the scheme design and progress with the works, bringing 30 years of waiting closer to an end for Widcombe residents.
The scheme has been updated over the last year to incorporate changes recommended by the Rossiter Road scheme Steering Group, for example a turning from the West into Lyncombe Hill. This Group was established by the incoming Liberal Democrat administration to review the scheme which had been subject to consultation in February 2011.
Councillor Ben Stevens (Liberal Democrat, Widcombe) said: “The work that the steering group have done, working with the residents’ association, to improve the hurried Tory scheme has been time well spent. The revisions mean we have ensured the retention of the mature trees, substituted mini-roundabouts for traffic lights at the White Hart and brought in a station drop-off point. This won’t just make life better for the residents of Widcombe, but for the whole of Bath.”
Councillor Roger Symonds (Liberal Democrat, Combe Down), in moving the recommendations, thanked the steering group for their hard work which has been vital in forming the final scheme. The steering group, which included members of the Widcombe Residents’ Association, will now be reconvened to advise on and monitor the project as it moves forward. Councillor David Bellotti hailed the steering group as a “measure of our ability to work with residents to produce a good scheme.”
Councillor Ian Gilchrist (Liberal Democrat, Widcombe) added: “This scheme will take 80% of traffic out of Widcombe Parade and will make a huge difference to the environment of Widcombe. It is hoped that the huge potential of Widcombe Parade can now be realised.”