A project to help tackle traffic congestion and improve air quality on the A4 London Road at the Morrisons junction is now complete as part of Council’s transport plans.
The improvements at the traffic hot spot are part of the £27 million Bath Transportation Package which is upgrading the city transport system to tackle congestion and provide the infrastructure necessary to support new homes and jobs.
New signals, better traffic island layouts, and a consolidation of the existing London Road crossing points into a central one across the A4 are all in place. Controls for people on foot and who use bicycles are now better synchronised increasing the time people have to cross.
Councillor Roger Symonds (Lib-Dem, Combe Down), Cabinet Member for Transport, said, “The Council is already seeing a positive effect on traffic flows as a result of this upgrade. By changing the signal phasing and the layout of the traffic islands, we can get a greater number of vehicles through the junction while still giving pedestrians time to cross safely.”
“We are very pleased with the overall progress of the Bath Transportation Package. The measures, such as Park & Ride expansion, are a crucial part of improving our transport system to support economic growth.”
The project has finished on time due to the Council working with its contractor to ensure their staff work early mornings and late evenings. Residents and motorists were thanked for their patience during the engineering works.
Following feedback from residents and local Councillors, additional work is now being carried out to the footway along London Road to Hanover Street that will link up with the new paving installed at the junction.
Significant progress has already been made on other aspects of the Bath Transportation Package, including the expansion of two Park & Ride sites by hundreds of new spaces. Planning for ten showcase bus routes that will benefits dozens of bus services is at an advanced stage, as are preparations for variable message signage.
People can find out more information about the Bath Transportation Package at www.bathnes.gov.uk/btp