The largest ever annual rise in local household recycling rates has been recorded by Bath & North East Somerset Council. Homes are now recycling over half of their waste – 52% compared to 46% last year.
The rise is due to the Council’s Food Waste Collection service introduced in October 2010, a new waste treatment plant being operational in the region, on-going engagement with the community about the environmental and financial importance of recycling, and improvements to the weekly kerbside green box recycling service – such as accepting Tetrapaks.
Councillor David Dixon (Lib-Dem, Oldfield), Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods, said, “It is really important that Bath & North East Somerset Council supports increased recycling and reduction in waste with residents also increasing their responsibility for minimising waste.
“The Council’s investment in providing food waste collections is a key factor behind this latest success. We are pleased with the high participation rate and welcome people’s enthusiasm for the service. But we recognise there are still around thirty thousand households not taking part and we will be doing more work to encourage higher participation.
“High recycling rates cut the amount of waste going to landfill. Not only does the level of harmful gases released into the atmosphere reduce, but the Council’s landfill tax charge bill is cut meaning more money is available to protect frontline services.”
Waste and Recycling facts and figures:
- 14,000 tonnes less waste was sent to landfill in 2011/12 compared to the previous year;
- An average of 74% of waste brought to our three Recycling Centres was recycled last year;
- Over 58% of households are putting out their food waste for recycling;
- £118,000 is saved by sending our food waste for composting compared to current landfill tax charges;
- 4300 tonnes of food waste recycled for use as high grade compost on agricultural land;
- 9,100 tonnes of black bag waste are being treated and turned into low grade compost for land restoration;
- £8 per tonne is the amount which landfill tax increases every year which makes it even more important for people to play their part;
Find out more…
People can discover all sorts of hints, tips, ideas, and advice about how they can play their part to increase recycling rates even further at
Information is also available from Council Connect on : [email protected] or Text SMS 0779 7806545 or call 01225 39 40 41.