Lorry drivers who flout weight restrictions in Bath were the target for a police operation in the city centre on Wednesday 26th March.
Two city centre officers and a police motorcyclist stopped and checked vehicles in George Street.
It followed concerns raised at the latest city centre Partners and Communities Together (PACT) meeting about the number of heavy goods vehicles that travel through Bath.
The weight limit in the city centre in 7.5 tonnes, but lorries making local deliveries are exempt. Breaching the limit carries a £30 fixed penalty.
In the event, none of the vehicles stopped during Wednesday’s checks was found to be over the weight limit.
City centre beat manager PC Mark Hodder said: “It was a valuable exercise nonetheless in that it sent out a clear and visible message to lorry drivers and to local residents that we will be enforcing the weight restrictions. Further operations will be carried out.”
Avon and Somerset Police are also appealing for information after a Renault Scenic car was deliberately set alight and destroyed at the Brassmill Enterprise Centre in Brassmill Lane.
They want to hear from anyone who saw anyone or anything suspicious between 4-9.20pm on Saturday 16th March. Please contact Bath police on 101 or via http://www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/contact/crime_reporting/ quoting reference 25601/13.