Green space which had been threatened by the ‘back garden bus road’ will be protected in the area’s key planning strategy, it has emerged.
The Council’s Planning, Transport and Environment Committee met on Tuesday to discuss a forthcoming update to the Council’s Core Strategy.
Leading Liberal Democrat Councillor Caroline Roberts questioned the Cabinet member in charge of planning, Councillor Tim Ball, about the future of the dismantled railway land in Newbridge. This land was previously reserved for a possible transport corridor.
Councillor Ball gave assurances that the Cabinet would be recommending that this land should not form part of the revised Core Strategy.
Councillor Roberts (Liberal Democrat, Newbridge) commented: “This is great news for the hundreds of people who live along the route of the old railway line. The former railway line is vital green space which is hugely valued and well-used by local residents. With these proposals, the land will be protected against being used for a bus route in the future.”
1 Comment
Mandi Vivian
Monday 21st January, 2013 at 08:37I walk my dog here everyday,unfortunately this lovely space is littered with empty bottles,cans and rubbish! The grass is covered in dog faeces,some dog owners have even discarded their used ‘poo bags’ on the floor and very often see these bags hanging from the young trees that line the pathway.The land will be protected against some things but is being ruined more everyday!