Work has started on a new 1.5km closed road cycling circuit at Odd Down Playing Fields, funded by a £600,000 grant from British Cycling.
The specially-designed circuit is part of a planned redevelopment of the whole Odd Down site, which will include a new 3G Astro Pitch, improved pitches and new changing facilities.
Work on the cycle circuit is due to be completed in the spring, with an official opening scheduled for early summer to coincide with a Festival of Cycling weekend at Odd Down
Councillor David Dixon (Lib-Dem, Oldfield), Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods, said: “This is a great way to start 2013 and we’re very excited about getting this project underway, as part of Bath & North East Somerset Council’s commitment to offering everyone the chance to participate in sports and enjoy a healthy lifestyle.
“The new site will be for everybody, from children and families to the more competitive cyclist, and we hope it will become a centre of excellence for disability cycling. We’re extremely grateful to British Cycling for their generous support and we’re pleased to be working with local people so they can get actively involved in the delivery of improvements in their community.”
Bath & North East Somerset Council and British Cycling are working with cycling clubs across the district, including Bath CC, VC Walcot and Somer Valley CC to ensure they can make full use of the new circuit when it is opened, along with the formation of a new youth cycling club for Bath and North East Somerset.
Dave Cockram, National Facilities Officer for British Cycling, said: “We have been running a national programme to construct safe, off-highway cycling facilities for the last ten years, and the opportunity to build a closed road circuit in Bath was one we welcomed. The city and the wider region have always had a strong cycling tradition, and the new circuit will allow British Cycling and Bath & North East Somerset Council to work together to further build on the extraordinary expansion in all types of cycling participation following the Tour de France and Olympic Games in 2012.“