Since submitting plans to the Council on 2nd August, Bath Abbey has received over 300 letters of support in favour of its proposed Footprint development project from members of the congregation, visitors, local councillors, schools, businesses and residents.
In addition, results from a recent survey of the Abbey community indicate that an overwhelming majority of people (96%) are in favour of the project. Almost all of those who responded (96%) felt that their experience of the Abbey would be enhanced as a result of the changes. The most popular aspects of the plans for Bath Abbey Footprint are the addition of new toilets, cloakrooms and baby changing facilities, closely followed by an inventive and environmentally-friendly heating system which uses energy from the hot springs.
Respondents to the survey also endorsed the need for new catering facilities, meeting rooms and vestries. The Abbey is open seven days a week with a variety of formal and informal worship, welcomes over 400,000 visitors a year, and is the second largest venue in the city for concerts. However, there is currently only one toilet for disabled visitors and a small kitchen to cater for a busy programme of services and events. One member of the Abbey community stated that the most important part of the development for them is “provision of toilets and improved lighting – which will not only benefit everyone but disabled and elderly people in particular.”
There is also much excitement about the creation of better facilities for the Abbey’s choirs. One respondent pointed out that: “We have a world class choir with inadequate facilities.” The current makeshift arrangements throw choristers of all ages into one changing room without lockers with a far from ideal rehearsal space, which is too small and in the midst of a service area. The Abbey requires facilities to accommodate its choirs in an acceptable way and to give a proper welcome to an array of guest choirs, musicians and performers.
Bath Abbey also has many other activities for the young and local schools. 1,500 children sing in the Schools’ Singing Programme while dozens of local schools take part in Easter Experience or hold services here every year. Through its work with homeless agencies, the local authority and mission work, the Abbey also reaches out to hundreds of disadvantaged and marginalised people in Bath and beyond but is hindered by current deficiencies in its buildings. The proposed development will provide much needed facilities and improvements, which will enable the Abbey to reach out to even more people.
Charles Curnock, Footprint Project Director, said: “We want to open the church out and make it more accessible for everybody but such is the growing demand on this magnificent medieval building that its very fabric is beginning to strain. We are aware that the Abbey, blessed with superb architecture and heritage, is a great resource for Christian mission. We are also aware that with little or no change, the Abbey will become increasingly impractical for its busy programme of services and events.”
Charles continued: “The changes we make now will be here in over 100 years’ time.” This is reflected by the Abbey community’s own response. Over 95% of those surveyed responded positively to the statement; ‘The proposed development will bring lasting benefits for future generations.’ With the addition of much needed space, this will greatly enhance the Abbey’s ability to serve the community, and provide a strong legacy for future generations.
For more information on Bath Abbey Footprint please visit