This year’s work to improve the standard of local highways surfaces is planned by Bath & North East Somerset Council to start in May.
Dozens of sites are covered by the overall £3.821 million investment for highways, structures, pavements, and street lighting across the district.
The length of road that will be improved is the same distance as a Marathon – 26 miles – and covers 217,129 square metres – equivalent to the size of over 30 Wembley football pitches. Details of the locations for resurfacing, surface dressing, and micro asphalt surfacing can be found at
The Council Cabinet approved the maintenance schedule at its April 2012 meeting. Councillor Roger Symonds (Lib-Dem, Combe Down), Cabinet Member for Transport, said, “Over recent years, Bath & North East Somerset Council has made a significant financial commitment to investing in the improvement of our road surfaces district-wide. It not only enables the Council to improve conditions on local roads for drivers, pedestrians, and people who ride bicycles, but it also means we are protecting the public purse in the long-term.
“Proactive maintenance cuts the number of potholes that occur during bad weather and minimises the need for costly reactive works. This capital investment reduces the overall cost of maintenance for the local taxpayer.”
The resurfacing will start in May, whilst surface dressing will begin in July and micro asphalting in September.
As part of the overall programme, over £320,000 is allocated for eleven street lighting improvement schemes across the area, including on the A4, A37, Keynsham, and Bath city centre locations. Projects at Camden Crescent Viaduct (£250,000) and Cleveland Bridge (£120,000) are some of the highways structures improvements.