City of Bath College’s careers advisers will be out in the local community during Adult Learners’ Week to offer people free advice on careers, skills and training.
Careers advisers will be at the College’s Twerton Learning Centre, High Street, Twerton, on Thursday 17th May, from 9am to 1pm.
They will be running drop-in sessions to offer free information and guidance on all things work-related, as well as showing people how to register for a Lifelong Learning Account on the National Careers website.
The day before, Wednesday 16th May, the careers advisers will be joining the College’s Adult Community Learning team at Julian House for a special Adult Learners’ Week event.
The event will see learners who have completed courses with Adult Community Learning receive certificates and there will be work on display from creative writing and computer studies students.
There will also be an opportunity for Adult Community Learning students to meet with careers advisers to find out more about further training opportunities and advice on job searching.
Louise Croft, Information and Advice Coordinator at City of Bath College, said: “The careers advisers at City of Bath College provide free impartial careers advice to all adults over 19 and job centre customers aged 18 and over.
“We can help you if you are thinking of making a career change, provide advice with CVs, job applications and interviews and help with finding learning and training.”
The National Careers Service is aimed at all adults and young people (aged13 and over) across England. The Service provides access to independent, professional advice on careers, skills and training and is available online, through advisers, like those at the College, and on the telephone.
Adult Learners’ Week runs from 12th to 18th May 2012.
For more information on the range of courses offered at City of Bath College come along to the next College Open Evening – Thursday 17th May, 4pm to 7pm.