The deadline for Keynsham residents to offer ideas to the Council about how to spend £240,000 to boost community facilities in the town has been extended.
The money available is part of the Council’s agreement with the developer of the new Tesco store. Working in partnership with the Keynsham Town Council, people were asked for ideas for projects which require between £80,000 and £240,000 capital expenditure. This means that the money can only be spent on fixed assets, such as buildings, land, equipment, or vehicles.
After an extremely encouraging response so far, the Council has extended the deadline for project ideas by two weeks to April 13th 2012.
Councillor Paul Crossley (Lib-Dem, Southdown), Leader of Council, said, “By encouraging suggestions on how to spend this money from Keynsham people, Bath & North East Somerset Council is ensuring that they lead the delivery of improvements in their community. The response has already been good and we want to provide more time for people to come forward with their ideas.”
Councillor Alan Hale (Conservative, Keynsham South) chairs the working group set up to look at how best to spend the funding. He said: “It’s a chance to invest in things which wouldn’t otherwise happen so I’d encourage anyone with ideas to come forward and get involved.”
Councillor Gill Hellier, Chair of Keynsham Town Council, said, “It is fantastic that at long last Keynsham residents have this opportunity to obtain or enhance a community facility in the town.”
These must be submitted on a Project Idea Form, available on the Council’s website. Project ideas will be presented at an exhibition in the town on Thursday May 17, when members of the community will be invited along to vote for the project(s) that they think will be best for Keynsham.
Further information, including the Project Ideas Form, is available on the Council’s website:
Or contact: John Whapshott, 01225 477669, [email protected] or Susan Bowen, 01225 277278, [email protected], or email [email protected].
Or write to: Funding & Programmes, Policy & Partnerships, 1st Floor Lewis House, Manvers Street, Bath BA1 1JG.