Residents can continue to be assured of getting a fair deal and avoiding rogue traders as the 100th local business has signed up to Bath & North East Somerset Council’s ‘Buy with Confidence’ consumer protection scheme.
The solar panel installers Bath Energy Centre has become the latest firm to be listed in the Council’s Buy with Confidence directory which helps customers to find a local trader they can trust.
All members have gone through an initial audit procedure carried out by the Council to establish trustworthiness, reliability and ensure that they conform to regulations. Consumers can also send feedback cards to the Council to provide valuable information on their consistency and standards.
Councillor David Dixon (Lib-Dem, Oldfield), Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods, said: “The Buy with Confidence scheme helps promote local businesses by including them on a web site and in a directory. These businesses are audited by Bath & North East Somerset Council’s Public Protection team so that our residents can rely on their standards of work.
“The purpose of the scheme is to publicly acknowledge businesses we believe to have a high standard of customer service, and to encourage residents to contact them. It’s beneficial to business because they can display the prestigious Buy with Confidence logo stating they’ve been ‘Trading Standards approved’. It also offers peace of mind to our residents who otherwise may have to take their chances in finding an honest trader.”
Robert Hellard, Director of Bath Energy Centre, said: “Bath Energy decided to apply to join the Buy with Confidence scheme because it’s aims and ours so closely coincide. We aim to offer a helpful and professional, renewable energy, service at a reasonable price and without any hidden extras.”
The firm will join a celebration evening in Bath’s Guildhall on Wednesday 29 February, alongside members of a wide range of other trades including Springfield Road Surfacing of Radstock – the first business to sign up to the Buy with Confidence initiative.
Paul Windmills, Director of Springfield Road Surfacing Co Ltd, said: “We decided to join the Buy with Confidence scheme at its formation as we felt it would give the customer a safeguard to know we were a company that cared about its image, standard of work and service we would provide to potential clients. We feel it has definitely helped our standing with customers.”
The Guildhall event will also celebrate the achievements of local businesses in Bath & North East Somerset Council’s Food Hygiene Award scheme, which is another initiative designed to increase consumer confidence in local businesses and build a stronger economy.
Local celebrity chef Richard Bertinet will present the Food Hygiene Awards to businesses. The event will also be attended by Councillor Paul Crossley, Leader of Bath & North East Somerset Council, Andrew Foster from the Trading Standards Institute and David Gledhill, Chair of the local branch of the Federation of Small Businesses.
For more information visit, contact Bath & North East Somerset Council’s Public Protection Team on 01225 477000 or email: [email protected].