Local landowners, developers, and their agents are being asked to either confirm or submit new details of land availability for new homes as part of a Council review of the draft Core Strategy.
As part of the review, the Cabinet agreed to prepare a new Strategic Housing Market Assessment to consider homes growth and future needs. This also involves the Council confirming that the information it holds about the availability of land for future housing and economic development remains comprehensive and up-to-date.
Councillor Tim Ball (Lib-Dem, Twerton), Cabinet Member for Homes and Planning, said, “The Council must develop its home building policy upon the best possible information and the land options available to meet our local needs.
“Although we have already contacted many of those who submitted details as part of the original draft Core Strategy process, we are still calling upon landowners, developers, and their agents to come forward to confirm their previous submissions or provide new ones for consideration.”
A two stage process is being used.
- Stage one: Submission of boundary information and contact details by Weds 31st October 2012;
- Stage two: Submission of any additional information by Friday 16th November 2012.
The threshold for housing land submissions is 10 homes. Submissions can be made via:
- Post: Land Availability Details, Planning Policy, Planning and Transport Development, Bath and North East Somerset Council, PO Box 5006, Bath, BA1 1JG;
- Email: [email protected] with the subject title ‘Land Availability Details’;
- Or for more details telephone 01225 477548.