Bath Abbey will be running an interactive event for classes of Year 5 and 6 school children entitled ‘Experience Easter’ from Monday 11th March to Friday 22nd March 2013.
It is designed to get Key Stage 2 pupils thinking and learning about the incredible events during Holy Week and Easter Day.
Seven ‘Stations of the Cross’ will be set up throughout the Abbey, each of which enabling the children to take part in a different Easter-themed activity. These will include: exploring and developing ideas, creative thinking, learning about scripture, art evaluation and group discussions.
Visitors to the Abbey will be provided with a special leaflet that they can utilise as they walk around the Abbey so they too can spend some time reflecting about the events of Easter.
All the activities are organised by the Abbey’s Visitors’ Officer and a team of volunteers who were delighted to receive thank you letters from many of the school children who visited last year’s event. One Year 6 pupil from Hilperton Primary School wrote: “Station 4: Alone made me think how many times I have felt alone even when I’m surrounded by people. Station 5: Sharing our Sorrows was very powerful to me . . . it also made me think how lucky I am not to be in a bad situation.”
Another Year 6 student also from Hilperton Primary School wrote: “Another point I would like to emphasise is how much I learnt that day. I did not know that Jesus died on the Cross at 3pm or that tables in those days were low down and wobbly!”
Dawn Farmer, Visitors’ Officer for Bath Abbey said: “These Easter activities are an exciting and imaginative way for school children to learn about the events leading up to the Resurrection, but also to reflect on the miracle of Easter. While we like to end each school’s visit by giving the children hot cross buns, what we hope they take away is the knowledge that there is more to Easter than bunnies, bonnets and chocolate!”
1 Comment
Wednesday 20th February, 2013 at 16:19What a strong preparation for Easter.